January 04, 2018
Let’s celebrate your milestone of the new school year with some BACK-TO-SCHOOL CRAFTS
! Join us at Pelikan Store, The Gardens Mall every Sunday as we bring you some fun artsy sessions and you’ll get to bring home the most adorable crafts!
If you’ve ever dreamed of going on a school bus with pink wheels or a school bus that’s entirely in rainbow stripes, well this Sunday is YOUR chance to DESIGN YOUR VERY OWN SCHOOL BUS!
With Littlest Hands, we’re all about celebrating the imagination. So come celebrate yours as we also celebrate the joy of going to school!
These fun sessions are held every Sunday, and you may choose between the following time slots:
To register, you may either message Littlest Hands, or Whatsapp to +6017-404 5661, or email to hello@littlesthands.com! And do hurry before the slots get filled up!
We can’t wait! See you soon, kids!